Laura's Naturally Sweet Blog

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'Cherry Garcia' Chocolate Brownies

'Cherry Garcia' Chocolate Brownies

So there I was once again (it seems to be a bit of a theme this year) experimenting with my favourite Dalfour jam (in case you didn’t guess it was the cherry one this time).



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I was endeavouring to make a ‘White Chocolate Cherry Fudge’ using Dalfour Black Cherry Jam as the sweetener.


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(Incidentally this did work - if you fancy making a batch it’s the middle layer of this bar……………..)


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However once I tasted it, not only did I fall instantly in love but, it also reminded me of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream.


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I’m afraid we have now reached the confessional portion of this blog post where I must admit that I used to be a huge fan of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and my favourite flavour was undoubtedly Cherry Garcia- hey what’s not to love about an ice cream named after a rock legend?!?!?!


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I absolutely promise that I will be making and posting a ‘healthy’ version of this awesome ice cream in the future AND when I do I, most definitely, think we should have a ‘Cherry Garcia’ Chocolate Brownie Sundae but for now……..


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This is a delectable brownie smothered with a irresistible layer of ‘Cherry Garcia’ fudge and finally a smooth delicious chocolate almond topping.


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Honestly its soooooooo good rock bands should be writing songs about it!!!!


'Cherry Garcia' Chocolate Brownies

Prep Time: 20 mins                Bake Time: 10 mins                     Set Time: 3 hrs                  

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Makes 24 Squares                                                 



½ Cup Cashew Nut Butter

¼ Cup Rice Flour

¼ Cup Tapioca Flour

½ Cup Date Syrup

2 tbsps. Maple Syrup

2 tbsps. Ground Flaxseed

¼ Cup Cocoa Powder

1 tsp. Powdered Vanilla

1 tsp. Almond Extract

1½ tsp. Baking Powder

½ tsp. BiCarb

¼ tsp. Himalayan Salt


Cherry Garcia Cream Layer:

4 tbsps. Cocoa Butter

2 tbsps. Coconut Oil (melted)

½ Cup Cashew Nut Butter

½ tsps. Almond Extract

½ Cup Dalfour Cherry Jam

2 tbsps. Cherry Concentrate


Chocolate Topping:

3 tbsps. Cocoa Butter

¼ Cup Cashew Nut Butter

¼ Cup Powdered Coconut Sugar

2 tbsps. Cocoa Powder

1 tbsp. Maple Syrup

1 tsp. Powdered Vanilla

1 tsp. Almond Extract

1 tbsp. Non Dairy Milk


1) Preheat the oven to 170˚


2) In a bowl combine thoroughly all the ingredients for the base then spoon into a lined 7” x 11” baking pan and place in the oven for 10 mins. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.


3) Melt the cocoa butter in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. Stir in the coconut oil, cashew nut butter and almond oil.


4) Blend together the cherry jam and cherry concentrate. Slowly pour the cocoa butter/cashew nut butter/almond mix and continue to bland until completely smooth and thoroughly combined.


5) Pour over the cooled brownie and place in to freezer for an hour to set.


6) Melt the cocoa butter in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water.


7) Remove from heat and slowly stir in the cashew nut butter, cocoa powder and coconut sugar. Add all the other ingredients and stir until smooth.


8)  Spread over the cherry garcia cream layer and place in the freezer to set for 2-3 hrs.


9) Once set use a warm knife to cut into squares.Store in the fridge to keep firm. :)


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