
The Yonanas - when I first saw this machine on the market I had some reservations. I had been tripped up a couple of months previously by a peanut butter maker which had melted on first use.
A gimmick the Yonanas is not. It’s so simple, so healthy and turns out creamy, fluffy and delicious ‘ice cream’ (really it’s whipped frozen fruit but hey, for how smooth and creamy it is it may as well be ice cream – hmmmm soft whipped ice cream – hmmm yummy) every time.
It was originally designed for bananas but we have experimented with frozen mangos (perfect every time) strawberries, raspberries, black cherries, peaches, nectarines, pineapple and blueberries to name a few, both on their and own and mixed and, while the other fruits are a bit more like sorbet than ice cream (except maybe the mango) they have all been delicious.
I thought after the first rush of experimentation this might fall by the wayside but it is still in regular use with an emergency stash of frozen fruit always kept in reserve in the freezer.
It is easy to take apart and clean and the best is the last bit of fruit that gets left in to be scraped out before washing up!
Purchase a Yonanas at amazon.co.uk
Purchase a Yonanas at amazon.com