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Chocolate Advent Calendar

Chocolate Advent Calendar

I love this as a replacement for a more traditional advent calendar - especially when it’s filled with my favourite chocolates!!!


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My sister called me a couple of days back and asked if I could make a batch of Christmas shaped chocolates for her daughter. She has this gorgeous refillable advent calendar in the shape of a Christmas train.

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Every year they refill it, it’s such a great idea –I hadn’t seen one before but I immediately fell in love with it!!

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Neither my sister nor her daughter can eat dairy and with it being so hard to find a non-dairy chocolate calendar this is the perfect solution!

I know that it is quite late for this but I thought that I would take a moment and quickly share with you what I did.

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I’ve used half a batch of my ‘caramac’ chocolate recipe and a half batch of my ‘milk’ chocolate recipe – and this beautiful chocolate mould I found at Lakeland.

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If you want them two coloured like mine – paint/fill the areas you on the front in the moulds first. Place them in the freezer for a couple of hours. Once they’ve set fill up with the other chocolate.

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It takes a little more time and dexterity for the duel colours but I love the effect!

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A half batch of ‘caramac’ and a half batch of ‘milk’ chocolate yields at least 64 chocolates – now I know this is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more that you’ll need for an advent calendar but there is always a use for Christmas shaped chocolates at Christmas time!!!

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I wrapped mine with some chocolate foil for placing in the boxes – you could always add some string and add them as decorations to the Christmas tree – just can’t expect them to last to Christmas day if anyone finds out they’re there!!!!!! ;)


Chocolate Advent Calendar

Prep Time: 10 mins                      Set Time: 4-8 hrs                                  

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Makes: 64 Chocolates               


Make up a half batch of ‘caramac’ chocolate

(About 100g of melted chocolate)


Make up a half batch of ‘milk’ chocolate

(About 100g of melted chocolate)


1) While the chocolate is still ‘melted’ pour or spoon into a Christmas shapes chocolate mould.


2) Place in the refrigerator for 12 hrs.


3) Pop out of the moulds and wrap in chocolate/candy foil before placing in your advent calendar.



If you want duel coloured chocolates paint/fill the areas you want as the front first. Place in the freezer for two hours. Once they have set fill up the mould with the other chocolate


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