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Two Types of Coconut Butter

Two Types of Coconut Butter

In my freezer I have a kilo of shredded coconut. In my head I have a desire to make ‘Bounty’ bars and a feeling that they might be needing some coconut butter in the mix.


With a couple of hours to spare I thought I would take a moment to share with you not one but two recipes for coconut butter.



Simple Straightforward Coconut Butter – you just tip the defrosted (if you, like me, keep it in the freezer defrost it first) shredded coconut into the blender add a little coconut oil and ta dah!!!!! 10 minutes later you have Coconut Butter.



And also Toasted Coconut Butter – the method is pretty much the same – you just toast the coconut first.


I love them both and find that with most of my recipes you can just use either a) what you happen to have in the fridge or b) what you fancy making that day!



So here goes……………………have fun! 


Prep Time: 20 mins                                                                              

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Makes 1 Cup                                                     


Coconut Butter


4 Cups Shredded Coconut

1 tbsps. Coconut Oil



1) Melt the coconut oil.


2) Blend the shredded coconut and coconut oil together until completely smooth.



Toasted Coconut Butter


4 Cups Shredded Coconut

1 tbsps. Coconut Oil



1)Place the shredded coconut under the grill. Turning frequently. Remove when it starts to turn a very light golden brown.


2) Melt the coconut oil.


3) Blend the toasted shredded coconut and coconut oil together until completely smooth.



You will probably need to stop every so often to scrape down the sides. The mix should start turning into coconut butter in less than 10 mins. I f you have a problem getting it to turn add a little more coconut oil.



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