Almonds and cherries, cherries and almonds – is there really any better combination in the world? – As good? – Maybe – Better? – No definitely not and this Cherry Bakewell Tart is so jammed packed with flavour it’s almost impossible to believe how healthy it is!!!!
I’ve just returned from the Peak District – an incredibly gorgeous week for late September in England. We managed not to get wet once despite being outdoors all day – everyday. We were staying near Bakewell, just down the road from Hadden Hall. A mere 1.5 miles on foot (for the adventurous) from Bakewell this stunning hall is no stranger to our screens starring as Thornfield Hall in no less than three versions of Jane Eyre (including my personal favourite the 2006 Ruth Wilson, Toby Stephens adaptation) as Prince Humperdinck’s Palace/the entire village in the awesome movie ‘The Princess Bride’ and to delve deeper into my childhood Manston Hall – the rose encased home to Lady Panthea (her real name) Vyne in a little known movie I loved growing up ‘The Lady and The Highwayman’ – starring a very young Hugh Grant. I could go on but the list is so long. Be sure if you are in the area to pop by – it’s well worth a view.
‘So where is this going?’ I hear you ask. Back to Bakewell and the crowd standing around the pastry shop as they placed in the window the most delicious looking Bakewell Tart.
Hmmmmmm Cherry Bakewell Tart – my favourite since childhood when there was sure to be one hidden away in the ‘Goodies’ cupboard of our caravan every holiday – oh how I've missed it.
I arrived home on Saturday and immediately set about making a healthy version of this British Classic.
Prep Time: 20 mins Bake Time: 20 mins
Makes One 8 inch Tart |
Ingredients: Base and Top: 1 Cup Almond Butter ½ Cup Almond Flour ¾ Cup Honey 2 tsps. Almond Extract 2 tsps. Baking Powder ¼ tsp. Bicarbonate of Soda 2 Flax Eggs (2 tbsps. Flax Seed whisked together with 4 tbsps. warm water) ¼ Cup Almond Milk Cherry Jam: 1 Cup Cherries (Sainsburys do a lovely dark sweet cherry in their frozen fruit range) ¼ Cup Honey Almond Paste: 1 Cup Ground Almond ½ Cup Agave Nectar 1 ½ tsps. Almond Extract 2 tbsp. Flaked Almonds |
Instructions 1) On a medium-high heat boil the honey and cherries together for 10 mins – remove from heat and allow to cool. 2) Preheat the oven at 170˚C. 3) In a bowl combine all the ingredients for the base. Spoon about 2/3 of the mix into an 8 inch round baking pan. 4) Cover with a layer of cherry jam. 5) In a bowl mix together the ground almonds, agave nectar and almond extract to form an almond paste. Layer over the jam. 6) Take the remaining 1/3 of the base mix and place it over the almond paste. 7) Sprinkle with flaked almonds. 8) Place in the oven and bake for 20 mins. |
When making this recipe you might get a little messy putting the layer together as they can be quite sticky but it is sooooooo worth it. The final cake is so moist and tasty! :)